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Click Above Now To Get 7 Days Free Access To Ultra-Profitable Horse Racing Tips, And Much, Much More!
Thanks for joining me today to discover the All-Weather Warriors that will transform your betting into an Ultra-Profitable Investment.…
If you can spare just a few moments, I’m going to show you exactly how this unique betting strategy works, the results you can expect when you start using it, and how you can access everything you need to start profiting RIGHT NOW, FOR FREE...
But first, allow me to address a fundamental question you may well be asking…
What gives me the ability to teach you how to do this? ...
Now as for my qualifications when it comes to sports betting, well many of you have heard my story, so I’m going to keep this mercifully short…
After spending a full five years using countless betting systems and fly-by-night tipsters, and losing a small fortune along the way...
I eventually decided that enough was enough, and I started approaching my betting in a completely new way...
The exact way I'm going to share with you today, and it works incredibly well...
Within just 12 months, I was able to go from dead-broke working in a bar, to making my first Five-Figure, Tax-Free Betting Income…
And needless to say, I never looked back.
By 2012 my passion had turned towards helping others to replicate my results, so I created a website called Lucrative Racing...
And over the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of teaching over 16,000 betting enthusiasts how to go from "Mug Punter" to “Betting Professional”, and many of my students have achieved that five-figure betting income, from almost every walk of life...
Obviously it goes without saying that having this level of success has been great...
But what’s really mattered most, is the lifestyle that this kind of passive, recurring income allows us to have, which is a life of ever-increasing freedom.
So take a moment to ask yourself...
"If I can earn an extra five-figures each year, tax-free, what improvements can I start making to my life?" ...
Think of something that really excites you...maybe it's attending the big racing festivals in style, or being able to afford a brand new car, or taking your family on holiday now that we're finally able to start travelling again.
Whatever the case may be, if you take just one thing away with you today, let it be that you really can start to create the life you want, right now, using the money generated from this extraordinary form of investment.
If that sounds like a worthwhile venture to you, let's dive straight in...
Here’s exactly what we’re going to cover today…
Today you're going to discover a 100% foolproof method of profiting from the horses, that let’s even a complete novice turn their betting into a high-yield investment...
Without relying on any so called "inside information"...
Without having to spend hours each day trading or laying off bonuses...
And without getting your betting accounts restricted...
So If you truly want to start making money from your betting, but you haven’t been sure where to start, or what to do, this is for you. If you’re sick and tired of worthless betting systems or fly-by-night tipsters, this is also for you…
And if you want to build your betting income well into the four or five figures, this is most definitely for you...
Now with that being said, I have one non-negotiable rule before we go any further…
I refuse to pander to anything that even remotely resembles or supports a get-rich-quick mentality...
So if you’re looking for some kind of magic bullet that will instantly make you rich, I’m sorry to say that you will certainly not find that here, nor anywhere else, because there is no such thing.
Likewise, there’s a lot of gimmicks going round at the moment and if you think I’m going to show you "secret insider info", or "how to 10x your money in 10 days", or anything even remotely like that, you’re going to be disappointed because approaches like that are a guaranteed route to the poor house...
And finally, I’ve just thrown some pretty big numbers at you over the past few minutes. I’ve told you I expect to make five figures from my betting on a typical year…
I think it should be fairly obvious, but I’ll say it anyway…
My results are not even remotely typical...
It took me five years of failing over and over again before I ever made a penny from my wagers, and then another decade of testing and fine-tuning, to get me to where I am today...
However, I can show you what I’ve done to create betting strategies that work incredibly well, and share the most profitable of them with you. But it's up to you what you do with this information, and the results that you get are completely up to you...
While I really hope that you surpass my levels of success, as a handful of my former students actually have…
I think it’s safe to assume that the majority of the people reading this will NEVER get any results or make any money at all...
Betting is not for the faint-hearted - you get unpredictable results, you have losing runs along the way. If you don't understand that's going to happen, then you're not ready and you won't succeed in this game.
But if you prepare to bet like a warrior prepares for battle, and have the courage to stick it out when the going gets tough, great rewards lie in wait for you.
Alright, if you’re still with me after that little rant, let’s get started…
Here's the cold, hard truth you won't hear at the racecourse or read in your daily Racing Post. In the Internet age…
The "Old School" Methods Will Kill Your Chances
Of Making Any Real Money In Horse Racing...
In fact, using those dinosaur tactics is like trying to fill a leaking bucket. Here's why...
If you follow the old punter dogma of basing your bets on "the form", betting on the rumoured “sure thing”, or following mainstream tipsters (who are usually on the bookies payroll)...
You’re almost guaranteed to lose most of your wagers, and therefore ALL of your hard earned cash in the long run...
This means you’ll be forced to work more hours, spend less on the things you actually want and need, and hide all those losses from your loved ones, simply because you’re too embarrassed to admit you’ve failed.
You see, the old ways worked fine when "the form" was the best information available, when rumours were based on something real and not fabricated...
When mainstream tipsters actually helped you win or when the bookmaker wasn’t an all powerful mass-marketing machine...
But in today's crazy online world, it’s the bookies that increasingly reap the rewards, leaving little or no chance for the individual to profit...
So what can you do to make money in betting today?
It's actually pretty easy…
You Do The Exact Opposite Of What The "Mug Punters" Are Doing! ...
Here's what I mean...
Most people spend all their time looking for the obvious, the sure thing, that bet that can’t possibly lose...
Others hop from tipster to tipster, hoping this will finally be the one that works out. Many get frustrated and chase their losses, gamble it all hoping for a big win, or give up completely...
But the richest and savviest punters don't do ANY of those things...
We do not look for the obvious winner. We do not listen to rumours, mainstream "pundits", or what some random person tipped on twitter...
And we most certainly do not start upping stakes and gambling if we hit a run of losers...
Instead, we use a four step method that hands you the power to find winning bets on demand, and build a substantial and consistent betting income...
Here's how it works…
Step 1. A betting strategy must be based on SOUND LOGIC...
Before your next wager, ask yourself “why am I placing this bet?” If you can’t find a very good reason for placing the bet, chances are you shouldn’t be doing so...
And if you’re following a tipster, you’d best be sure they have a very good reason for advising that bet, which they often don’t…
So how do we base our betting on sound logic? …
Well, it usually begins with a basic idea or concept, which we can use to narrow down the number of meetings, races and horses we need to look at...
For example, let’s say we want to bet on the favourite horse in the betting market, but only if they are grey…
Is it logical that the combination of grey horses and favourites will result in a profit? Not really - it’s basically pot-luck...
Now let’s take an example from one of my most profitable strategies, “All Weather Warriors”…
The basic idea behind this strategy: Horses with the ability to win on the all-weather, where the odds are higher than they should be.
In other words, we are looking for strong contenders at a value price. If we can identify and bet these horses, we have a statistical edge which should secure us a handsome profit...
Step 2. The strategy must be PROVEN to produce profit...
A betting strategy may demonstrate logic, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to make money. This is where we need to delve into the past racing data, to see how well our idea or concept has performed…
If the data looks promising, we can then create a "rule-set" - a set of rules we can use to find our bets...
And as long as our "rule-set" would have produced a substantial profit in the past, we can move onto the next step...
Just to note, please don't worry if you aren't sure how to perform these steps. I have a solution that makes them a doddle, or even allows you to skip them completely, but more on that later....
3. The strategy must be TESTED LIVE with real money...
This is the stage where 99% of betting systems and tipsters fail. Anyone can plug theories into past racing data until something shows a profit...
The problem is, profit on paper doesn’t always mean profit in real life...
If you’ve ever used a system or tipster with amazing claims and past results, only to find the performance plummets as soon as you join, you know exactly what I’m talking about...
More often than not, they’ve done the bare minimum - produced the past data and then put it up for sale, without bothering with the essential live-testing.
4. The longer we track performance, the MORE ACCURATE our predictions become...
Nobody can predict the future with 100% accuracy, and anyone who claims different is either lying to you, or lying to themselves.
However, armed with our live-testing data we can improve our ability to predict the future...
And the more data we have, the better our predictions become.
When it comes down to it, this is why Lucrative Racing has been so successful over the past decade. We rigorously track performance from the word go, and we now have a HUGE amount of live-testing data to help us make accurate predictions...
With our "All Weather Warriors" strategy for example, we now have over 4 years of live-testing data which massively helps us to predict future performance.
This Four Step Process Is The Foundation For ALL Our Most
Profitable Betting Strategies…
And the funny thing is, implementing these four steps in your betting is a LOT easier than you might think...
WAY easier than spending countless hours finding bookmaker bonuses to lay off, looking for trades on the exchange, or hopping on and off the tipster merry-go-round...
And once you’ve joined our growing community, and have these four simple steps ingrained in your mind, you’ll go from frustrated losing punter, to professional betting investor with the tools you need to build your wealth and achieve financial freedom...
But gaining the power to create betting strategies that are personal to you, and suit your unique betting style, is just one small part of what I have to show you today...
I’m also very excited to share one “ready-made” strategy with you...
A strategy that is proven to generate substantial profit, and that I know you’re going to love using in the coming weeks and months…
And there is now a way for you to access it quickly, easily and without handing over a single penny...
Here's how...
I have put all these resources into my online membership service called...
This service contains the exact method that has enabled me and thousands of my students to make their betting profitable...
And it gives you the exact blueprint I used to transform a failing, frustrating, money-sucking addiction into a five-figure income, in under 1 year...
I’ve set it up to give as many people as I can the chance to take their power back, and their money back from the bookies once and for all.
You see, I first started sharing my strategies and selections because I was receiving so many emails from interested punters that I simply couldn’t keep up with them...
In many cases, I actually had to turn people away, with a long waiting list of people who wanted me to teach them (can you imagine having that problem?)...
So I put my best work into a comprehensive members website - Lucrative Racing - so you can get instant access to all you need to start profiting. The website has since helped thousands of people improve their betting, including people with no previous experience whatsoever...
And while there is a limit to how many members I can currently take on...
If you register your interest TODAY, you'll be able to access this powerful collection of betting resources immediately...
Here's What Our Members Have To Say...
"Hi Michael, really enjoying the service you provide and believe me I've tried a few, some for free and some paying up to £100 a month...
Looking forward to being here a long time, this is the best service I've used and that's not just because I'm in profit its the way you explain what you do and why it leaves me in no doubt that I can trust you to do your best thank you."
- Jon
"Michael is a genuine betting professional who actually delivers on his promises. Can't ask for more really!"
- Anthony
"Couldn’t be happier with the service. I’m definitely in for the long haul. I’ve started at £10 a point and will gladly work my way up as the bank builds.
As a personal preference I prefer to leave horses alone on a Saturday and your system will be no different! (although I did a reccie and noticed that your system is quite profitable on a Saturday. But, c’est la vie!!).
Just keep ‘em coming!! "
- Mick
Over the past 40+ years I must have subscribed to hundreds of tipping services, which have all promised success and delivered nothing but failure! I can honestly say that this is one of three that have delivered in that time. It took me 39+ years to find it, DONT let it take you 40 years to find a winning service!"
- John
"Hi Michael, sorry I've not emailed you till now. Just wanted to say a big thank you to you for your racing service. As you know I only joined recently but already your tips have turned £40 of mine into over £270!!!.. Brilliant! I am so grateful to you Michael & your team."
- Darren
"Really consistent service, profits add up and always good customer service."
- Ian
"I congratulate you on this very nice touch! It’s the first time a tipster has done any follow-up with me as a new member...
I also compliment you on giving us the actual odds! The odds I get with Betfair Exchange have proved to be just as often better than your “Best Odds” as worse. As you know, some tipsters grossly inflate the odds they quote, and when I question them about this, the reply is always that they have so many members that the odds steam badly after they issue the expected odds! ...
I’ve also been very pleased with the way you dealt with my queries."
- David
"Fantastic Racing Service, made massive profits for so little outlay. Great new members website and easy to use, do yourself a favour and get on board now!"
- James
Once you have access to all the training you need to create your own betting strategies, you will have gained a skill you can use for the rest of your life...
A skill nobody can ever take from you, one that will work today, tomorrow, and probably even 50 years from now...
This could well be the last betting service you’ll ever need to use!
And when you join us today, you’ll also get permanent access to my exclusive selection service that does ALL the work for you, and provides each day’s qualifying bets to give you up to 311 points profit each year...

That's £15,550 profit per year with £50 stakes, and it's very easy to start much smaller and quickly build up your bankroll and your stakes.
Here's just a small taste of what you get when you join us right now...
1. The fastest and easiest way to start profiting from All Weather Racing this year...
2. The selection service that allows you to “skip the boring stuff” and get all your bets on on in a few short minutes...
3. How to use the magic of compounding to increase your profit by a massive 215%...
4. The little-known technique that completely removes any and all risk from your betting (this one is a must have!)...
5. Learn to create your very own, unique betting strategies using my exclusive "betting strategy builder" training course…
6. Discover how to set up your strategies so you get emailed all qualifying bets automatically, saving you hours of tedious work...
7. Access our exclusive library of ready-made betting strategies, so you can diversify and start multiplying your profits immediately...
8. Gain the power to build your own personalised betting portfolio, and become a professional horse racing investor…
Here's What The Online Reviewers Have To Say...
"I would award Lucrative Racing a score of four out of five, and if
the trial period results were replicated over a longer period, I’d
have no hesitation in making that 5/5"
- geegeez
"The Lucrative Racing service has a lot to offer, and I have also
just noticed a recent 22/1 win selection that came in which
would have increased our review profit even further. "
- best betting system reviews
"One of the larger samples we have been able to test, with 784
selections during the trial. Our bankroll is showing a 178 point
profit with a 23% return on stakes invested."
- betting rant
"Everything about the Lucrative Racing service comes across
as professional. The selections arrive on time every morning.
Vendor support is excellent…the instructions on placing the
bets are clear. They take seconds to put on, so no staring in
front of a screen for hours on end (unless you want to).
Even a Neanderthal like yours truly can understand the staking
system. And most importantly of course, it proved to be a very
profitable service."
- laybackandgetrich
So, the fact is you’ve made it this far, and are still with me here in this report…
You’ve seen the results and the testimonials that prove this service is extremely effective...
And by now I’m sure it’s abundantly clear that joining us will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
Ok, so what about the price? ...
Well, the normal cost to join AW Warriors is £49 per month. I realise this isn’t cheap, but the saying “you get what you pay for” rings true for a very good reason.
Since many of our members make in excess of £10,000 from AW Warriors on an average year, I’m sure you’ll agree that exchanging £49 per month for over £10,000 in tax-free profit per year, is more than fair...
Now, the fact that you’re still here reading this means that you’re serious about the success of your betting, so as promised earlier here’s what I’m going to do…
You see, I’m SICK of seeing punters throwing their hard-earned cash down the drain, and I’ve made it my mission to get as many betting enthusiasts as I can on the surefire route to profit…
So with that in mind, right now during this video...
I'm going to give you unlimited access to AW Warriors for the next 7 days...
Click the “Start My Free Trial” button below to get seven days full access WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE PENNY...
Click Above Now To Get 7 Days Free Access To Ultra-Profitable Horse Racing Tips, And Much, Much More!
After the 7 days are up, assuming you’re happy to continue your membership with us...
Which, by the way, you are in no way obliged to...
I’ve also dropped the price from £49 all the way down to under £17 per month, when you choose the "Annual Membership" option...
That means you're saving a whopping 67% on the normal cost to join.
Now, a quick word of warning...
I’m only taking on a limited number of members at this time, to ensure that the selections aren't over-bet and to ensure we can give you the best customer support. So with that in mind...
Your Free Trial And 67% Discount Are Only Available Until The Countdown Timer Below Hits Zero, Or Until Our Member Limit Is Reached, Whichever Comes First...
After that, you’ll not be able to join this service again for the foreseeable future...
Just so you know, when I’ve launched new services in the past, I’ve even had to put the “sold out” sign up within the first 24 hours, that’s how popular they are!
I have full confidence in AW Warriors and what it can do for you, which is why I’m going to shoulder all the risk and guarantee your satisfaction...
Get The Result You Want, Or Get It Free...

12 Month Profit Guarantee
If for any reason you don’t wish to continue after the 7 day trial, email us before your renewal date and we’ll ensure you’re not charged a single penny.
If the service doesn’t generate at least 100 points profit during the first 12 months of your membership, we’ll be happy to provide you with an additional 12 months completely free of charge!
Now I know you're probably thinking to yourself...
“Why would you make such an insane offer by giving me free access AND guaranteeing me at least 100 points profit?” ...
Well that’s a great question and the answer is because I have a bigger vision...
You see, I’m sick of seeing punters lose their hard earned cash to the bookmakers. The bookies have way too much money, and too much power, and it’s my mission to help level the playing field.
But I have to admit, I also have an agenda. My goal is to build an army of betting warriors, who have used these resources to truly succeed, and who are happy to recommend this service and help spread the word...
And I know once you join us and see the results for yourself, you’re going to want to continue doing business with me in the future…
So before we close, here’s four more ironclad reasons to get started now...
We'll provide everything you need to start profiting today…
You save a massive 67% when you join us right now...
You’re guaranteed the results you want, or it's on us…
Your betting income is 100% tax free! …
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result…isn’t it high time you tried something different?
If you don’t do something TODAY to make your betting profitable, how can you expect your life to be any different one year from now? ...
And since you can access everything I've shared with you today, COMPLETELY FREE for the next 7 days, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining us right now…
Click the “Start My Free Trial” button below to get seven days full access WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE PENNY...
Click Above Now To Get 7 Days Free Access To Ultra-Profitable Horse Racing Tips, And Much, Much More!
Thank you again for taking the time to learn how you can start making large, recurring profits with All Weather Warriors. I hope you’ve found this report useful, and we're really looking forward to seeing you on the inside.
Copyright 2012-Present. Lucrative Racing. All Rights Reserved.