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Thanks for joining me today, where you’re going to uncover the Flat Flyers that will bring you large recurring profits and Revolutionise Your Betting...
We created this report to show you exactly how you can find and profit from the racehorses that really excel on the flat. And in order to do that, first we need to cover the strange mistakes most punters make (and maybe you’re making) when it comes to betting flat races...
And then, we have an incredibly valuable strategy to share with you that can really make a HUGE difference to your betting, and how much profit you take home at the end of the day...
All we ask is that you carefully read this report from start to finish…
By the end you’ll know exactly how this method works, why it’s so profitable, and whether or not you’d like to give this a go…
Then, to say thank you for making it to the end…
I’ll even show you how to get FREE access to all our Flat Flyers selections, so you can test them our for yourself…
Sound good? ...
Alright, let’s dive in with a brief overview of how I uncovered this strategy...
After a brief phase of youthful gambling in my late teens, followed by a longer period of following so-called sure things, shady tipsters, and useless betting systems...
I was in the hole for the best part of £30,000! (which was a huge amount of money for someone so young)...
And although I felt like an utter failure at the time, in hindsight I can see exactly what Freud was talking about when he stated....
"There Are No Mistakes" ...
Every losing bet was in fact, a step towards learning how to become profitable...
So if you’ve struggled in your pursuit of betting profit up to this point, let me give you some words of encouragement to keep going…
The Goldmine is mere inches away from where you currently stand...
So anyway, needless to say I eventually found my way out of that deep hole of debt...
And even into substantial profit, as can be seen here from the deposit and withdrawal history of my betfair account...

...where I’ve withdrawn £69,800 more than I’ve deposited in recent years...
And over the last 10 years, I’ve had the privilege of being at the helm of...

Which is a company and team, dedicated to helping betting enthusiasts just like you create a substantial income from your wagers…
Since then, we’ve received a huge amount of positive feedback from our members…

Like Steve, who has over 45 years experience betting and reports our service is the best he has ever used...

Or longer-term members like Brian, who’s been with us for over 5 years now...
And also from other pro-punters too...
If you want to place smarter horse racing bets then this is a good choice of tipster service. If you like the thrill of wins at long odds, this system has a good track record in producing big wins at excellent odds…
Mike Cruickshank, creator of Bonus Bagging
Most reviewers say that they have ended up with a tidy profit. This includes a number of impressively big wins that made it well worthwhile.
So, for the past 10 years, we’ve been publishing profitable betting strategies and tips…
And today you’re going to discover the most profitable flat betting strategy in our portfolio, after all these years of research and development. So if...
- You truly want to start profiting from your betting, but everything you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked.
- You're sick and tired of following systems or tipsters that promise the world, but always end up losing you money.
Or, perhaps you’re already making a conservative profit, but are really looking for more and...
- You want to build a serious betting income well into the five figures...
If any of this applies to you, then what I have to share with you today will suit you down to a tee...
With that being said, I also need to give you a quick word or warning before we get to the good stuff...
After 10 years running successful horse racing services, to be frank I no longer have the time or desire to work with anyone who...
- Expects Magical results. This is a genuine investment opportunity, not a get-rich-quick scheme, so you’ll need to set realistic expectations...
- Betting Merry-Go-Rounders. What I mean by this is anyone who is likely to give up as soon as they run into a few losing bets. The winners more than make up for the losers in the long run...
- All-Out Gamblers. This method works incredibly well if you use it wisely, but if you’re the type of person who needs a winner right now, or can’t help chasing their losses, then this isn’t going to work for you...
To sum this all up in a single sentence...
I Can Lead You To The Goldmine, But I Can’t Mine The Gold For You...
Ok, thanks for bearing with me and now without further ado, let me show you I uncovered these Flat Flyers...
A few years ago, we were performing some of our usual analysis…
So you know, breaking down our results according to various factors like the race type, number of runners, distance, different odds ranges, and so on…
The aim being to see which race conditions produce the most profit, and which, if any, result in a loss…
And while doing this, We identified 3 key mistakes the vast majority of people make when placing bets on the flat...
1. Choosing The Wrong Races...
As you know, by far the largest amount of money is staked at higher class events such as major racing festivals…
Nothing wrong with this of course, in fact quite a few of our Flat Flyers are at the big festivals, but with that being said...
Among the most popular races to bet at these festivals are Large-Field Handicaps...
And these races often have over 20 runners, sometimes even 30...
Now obviously it’s much more difficult to find a winner on the flat when there are way too many runners to choose from, but this doesn’t seem to deter the masses from trying their luck...
Great for a bit of fun, but not so great if you’re actually trying to win money...
Another example is the fact that most punters completely avoid NH Flat races, especially when there is limited form to go on...
While it’s not surprising that most punters give these races a wide berth, they have actually proven to be ultra-profitable after applying a few simple rules which we’ll share with you shortly...
But now let’s quickly move onto the next mistake...
2. Selecting Bets That Offer Little To No Value...
Perhaps the most obvious example of this, but one that clearly demonstrates this mistake, is the fact that...
Most punters bet the favourite, especially when there appears to be an obvious winner…
This is particularly true when there is a strong or odds-on favourite, but is still valid at odds of up to 3/1 and did you know that if you’d bet every favourite on the flat over the past year, you’d have lost around 170 points or £1,700 at £10 bets?...
In short, betting favourites on the flat where there is usually little to no value, is another sure-fire route to the poor house…
There is of course a flip-side to this coin, and the third mistake is...
3. Selecting Bets That Have Little To No Chance Of Winning...
So while most punters are betting the favourite, there are also quite a few that almost always go for the long shots at the bottom of the market…
Here the odds typically range from around 25/1 all the way up to 999/1 on the betting exchanges...
And while it may be possible to pick out the occasional winner at these prices, you’re also going to run into bank-busting losing runs...
Plus, there are usually strong indicators that these runners aren’t going to perform well, but these indicators are often ignored. This includes fairly basic things like poor previous form at the race conditions, or lack of confidence in the betting market which makes the odds drift out even further...
Ok, so at this point you might be thinking these mistakes are pretty obvious, but the fact remains that...
The majority of punters completely disregard the very principles that would Vastly Improve Their Betting And Their Take-Home Profit…
Or in other words, there’s a big difference between simply being aware of these principles, and actually putting them in practise...
So with that in mind, let's go through some quick examples so you can see just how effective these simple principles are…

Ok, so this is a National Hunt Flat race and I wanted to include it because as already mentioned, the majority of punters completely avoid them...
There are 13 runners which we’d class as a medium sized field, so not too many. The obvious problem here is that most of the runners have little to no previous form...
But let’s not let that deter us too much. There’s often plenty of value to be had when the runners are unexposed, and we can easily omit the favourite end of the market and focus on the following section...

We’ve also omitted the ultra-high odds runners, mainly so we can keep our strike rate high and prevent long losing runs...
Ok, so in the interest of time I’ll not bore you with the details of our full analysis here. I can share more on that with you later, if you’re interested. But after digging into the sire, trainer and jockey data, analysing the betting market and so on...

Our sights rested on Lady Adare as the strongest contender, and she was available at 10/1 which seemed very generous. And as we can see here...

This selection won with the odds dropping to 9/2 at SP so we received plenty of value. I’d backed this on Betfair at a couple of different double-figure prices, and collected £465 in clear profit…

Now obviously it goes without saying we don’t win every single bet, but this strategy is proven to produce large profits since our portfolio members each invested a bankroll, and started putting it to the test…

Since then, these Flat Flyers have produced over 600 points profit and as you can see from the graph here, we have these surges of winners each time the flat season gets underway...
For example, if we hone in on the 2020 flat season which wasn’t a full season due to covid, so from June when racing resumed to the end of September, here are the headline stats...

And for you, that means if you invested a...
£250 Bankroll = £5 Stakes = £148 profit / month
£500 Bankroll = £10 Stakes = £296 / month
And the idea is, you can build up your bankroll and stakes to something more substantial, so for example with a…
£2,500 Bankroll = £50 Stakes = £1,480 / month
And the funny thing is, profiting from these Flat Flyers is actually a LOT easier than you might think, and there are two key ways you can start doing just that, right now…
The first is to learn the selection method yourself, and start putting it to work...
Once you have this method ingrained in your mind, you’ll go from frustrated losing punter to professional betting investor, with the tools to build your wealth and achieve financial freedom…
But gaining the power to find Flat Flyers on demand, as and when it suits you, is just one part of what I have to share with you today...
The second part is our done-for you service, where each day's selections are provided so all you need to do is place your bets and collect your winnings…
We're confident this will be among the hottest services to use for the upcoming racing season, and also one that you’re going to love using….
So, if you’d like to gain access to these ultra-profitable tips, or the full selection method so you can start finding winners just like the pros...
Here's how you can get started...
We have recently put ALL these resources into our new online membership service called...
We’ve set this service up to give as many people as we can the opportunity to take their power back, and their money back from the bookies once and for all. And..
The best thing about this is just how Fast, Effective and EASY it is to use, and integrate into your daily routine…
So If you want to start profiting from your betting right now, but don’t have much time to spare, this is the perfect service for you...
On a typical day…
Flat Flyers provides 2 - 3 “bet and forget” selections which will take you just 1 or 2 minutes to put on...
And that you can access from any smartphone, tablet or computer with a basic internet connection…
And not only that...
Since this service has produced a whopping 283 points profit at Betfair SP, it doesn’t matter if you’ve been totally fobbed off by the bookies…

Simply head over to Betfair (or your betting exchange of choice), and put your bets on there instead...
On the other hand, if you’re the type of person who prefers to find your own bets…

You also get access to our full Flat Flyers strategy book, where we guide you through the full selection method step-by-step…
This exclusive guide has the power to turn you into a profitable punter for life, which is something the vast majority of betting enthusiasts NEVER manage...
And until now, we’d never shown ANYONE the full method behind these ultra-profitable selections...
However, if we hear from you today, you'll have the opportunity to instantly access this powerful collection of betting resources immediately…
More on that in a second, but first I’d like to share a small portion of the feedback I’ve received from the members that have helped us test Flat Flyers…
I’m nearly 3 months in and plenty of profit has been made. The new flat flyers strategy has in particular been outstanding, long may it continue!
Josh K
I’ve been testing flat flyers this season and have been happily surprised with the results. The service puts forward a good mix of medium to long priced winners and if using best odds guaranteed, or even Betfair SP for that matter, many drift out after originally being cut which gives great profits…
Luke M
Overall I'm very happy and plan to continue with a well-run and genuine service.
Excellent service and extremely profitable….I’ve made over 8K over the flat season alone! I’ve been searching long and hard for new sources of income this year, and I’ve finally found it!”
Tom P
Not only has Tom reported profits in excess of £8,000, we wholeheartedly agree with his search for new sources of income because with the economy the way it is right now...
There has never been a better time than right now to start creating new, independent streams of income…
And just imagine how good it will feel when you can finally let go of those money worries, and focus on living life the way you’ve always wanted to…
I’m sure by now you can clearly see just how life-changing this unique opportunity can be for you…
Plus, if you join us today you’ll also get access to a very special bonus…

Lucrative Racing’s archive of profitable horse racing systems and guides. There’s a whole host of excellent resources for you here, all chock-full of invaluable content to help you take you betting to the next level...
So, the fact is you’ve made it this far, and are still here reading this report…
You’ve seen the results and the testimonials that prove this method is extremely effective...
And by now it’s abundantly clear that joining Flat Flyers will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made…
So if you’re ready to finally start winning, our daily selections will reel in the profit for you like nothing you’ve seen before...
By the time you’ve read the strategy book included with your membership, you’ll know exactly how to find Flat Flyers like the pros…
That’s an invaluable skill to have, a skill that nobody can ever take away from you...
Sound good? ..
Ok, so what about the price? ...
Well, the normal cost to join Flat Flyers is £49 per month. It isn’t cheap, but it’s extremely profitable and you get what you pay for. And since…
Many of our members make £1,000 - £2,000 per month from Flat Flyers during a typical flat season…
I’m sure you’ll agree that exchanging £49 for a 4-figure monthly income is an incredibly good deal...
Now, the fact that you’re still here watching means that you’re serious about the success of your betting, so as promised earlier here’s what I’m going to do…
You see, we’re SICK of seeing punters throwing their hard-earned cash down the drain...
And here at Lucrative Racing...
We’ve made it our mission to get as many betting enthusiasts as we can on the surefire route to profit…
So with that in mind, right now during this video...
We're going to give you unlimited access to Flat Flyers for the next seven days...
Simply Click the “Start My Free Trial” button below to get seven days full access WITHOUT PAYING A SINGLE PENNY...
Click Above Now To Get 7 Days Free Access To Profitable Horse Racing Tips, The Full Selection Method, And Much More!
Assuming you’re happy to continue with us after your trial...
Which by the way, you are in no way obliged to, we’ve also dropped the price from £49 all the way down to under £17 per month when you choose the annual membership option...
That’s an Incredible 67% Saving compared to the standard price! ...
Now with all that being said, there is a small catch…
Your free trial and 67% discount are only available until the countdown timer below hits zero...
Why? Because this special offer is proving incredibly popular, and there is a limit to how many members we're able to take on. In addition to this...
We reserve the right to remove this offer AT ANY TIME WITHOUT WARNING, if our member limit is reached before the deadline...
So if this happens, please don’t say we didn’t warn you! ...
Now in addition to your free trial and your 67% discount, we want to make this a completely safe decision for you, without any risk what-so-ever.
So If for any reason you don’t wish to continue after your free trial, simply email me at michael@lucrativeracing.com before your renewal date, and we'll make sure you don’t pay anything, ever!...
On the other hand, if you decide to continue after your free trial...
We're also going to provide you with an extra-long performance guarantee…

Your 12 Month Performance Guarantee
We are so confident in Flat Flyers that we’re going to take away all the risk…
That means you can give Flat Flyers a thorough test-drive over the next TWELVE months, and if the service doesn’t generate profits of 100 points or more, then we will work for free! Simply contact us and you’ll get an extra year of membership for no cost whatsoever…
This means there’s literally no way you can lose here…
At a bare minimum, you have a full 7 days to trial the service completely free….
And if you continue, but don’t make at least 100 points profit within your first year, you’ll get a second year completely free too! ...
So if you haven’t done so already, here’s how to get started…
Just below, you’ll notice a button labelled "start your free trial". I want you to click that button right now…
When you click the above button right now, you'll go to a fully secured registration page where you can set up your members account...
After you complete registration, you’ll be taken to the member login page, where you’ll just enter the username and password that will be sent to you via email.
And that’s it.
Watch the welcome video to get started, and then you can start profiting with our Flat Flyers selections right away…
You can also download our Flat Flyers strategy book and get the full selection method, so you can learn how to find your own winning bets too…
And finally...
You’ll also be able to access our racing strategy archive, and download as many of these resources as you’d like during your trial…
All Yours, And All For FREE!
And that brings us to the end of this report! Thanks for sticking with me...
By now, you’ve seen how to avoid the common mistakes and find consistent winners in Flat and NH Flat races…
You’ve seen how you can start making serious money from these selections...
And it’s clear that the Flat Flyers service will show you EXACTLY how to do just that…
So, we would like to invite you one last time to join this invaluable service so you can take your betting to exciting new heights, and change your life in the process...
We have made certain this is a completely safe decision for you to make, without any risk what-so-ever, so...
Click the “Start My Free Trial” button below to get 7 days full access, completely free of charge...
Act Now! This Time-Sensitive Offer Closes In Just...
Click Above Now To Get 7 Days Free Access To Profitable Horse Racing Tips, The Full Selection Method, And Much More!
Thanks once again for joining me here today, and we're looking forward to helping you become an incredibly successful horse racing investor, starting today!
Yours Sincerely,

Michael & The Lucrative Racing Team
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