Cash Prizes Will Be Paid Directly To You This Weekend (Bacs or Paypal), In Plenty Of Time For Christmas...
Many thanks for joining us today! ...
Just before the Christmas celebrations commence, the team here at Lucrative Racing want to share something incredibly exciting and valuable with you...
We're going to show you exactly how to make Big Profits from your Horse Racing bets this winter, using 2 specific strategies with over 7 Years Proofing under their belts...
And you're going to get the exact bets that have historically generated Winnings In The 5-Figures over the winter months...
And not only that...
This will be our biggest prize draw EVER so if you want to enter, keep reading because we'll share the full details with you in just a moment...
But first, let us show you exactly how these ultra-profitable betting strategies work...
You see, 2 specific types of racing dominate during the winter. There's the National Hunt, where the conditions are very different to Flat racing...
And then there's the All Weather (AW), which is very different to all "Turf" racing.
The problem is, most betting systems and tipsters attempt to use the same selection method year-round, for all different types of racing...
Can you guess what happens as soon as the winter season hits? ...
That's right - BIG losing runs and often, a complete bankroll wipeout!
The good news is, this can easily be avoided...
Here's how...
At Lucrative Racing, we have spent the last 7 Years developing specific strategies for each race type and publishing the selections live to our members...
This includes Flat racing which dominates from spring to autumn, then National Hunt and All Weather which dominate from autumn to spring...
And in the deep winter, when racing conditions get really tough...
We implement something very special...
Right now, we have hundreds of happy punters in our community and here's what just a few of them say about our service...
As you can see, this approach works incredibly well and that's why we've been using it for 7 years straight, albeit with a few important developments and "tweaks" along the way...
But instead of boring you to death with a breakdown of the full, often arduous selection process...
Suffice it to say here, we use the UK's famous unpredictable weather, the unpredictable race conditions it causes, and the unpredictable results it often throws up...
To bag a steady stream of winners like this...
You see, we often get asked...
The answer - a resounding YES...
In fact, with these selections you often get Even More Value on the exchanges than with the bookmaker, like in this example...
This one was available at 16/1 with the bookmaker, but we got 25.01 at Betfair SP and an extra £400.33 profit!
We also often get asked...
So, these strategies typically provide 2 - 5 selections and that means you can combine them into a daily multiple or "Acca" bet...
We often do this to generate additional profits, and it's also a great deal of fun with potential payouts in the 5 Or Even 6 Figures...
Here's one of the biggest payouts we've had so far...
We didn't quite get the full house, but we still enjoyed a fantastic result with a Big Payout of £9,040...
That's what makes this style of betting so exciting. We have a genuine chance at winning a life-changing amount of money every day, and we get paid regular profits along the way...
Now, we appreciate Acca betting isn't for everyone so if you want to stick with win or each way bets, that's completely fine...
And since singles betting has been fully proofed, here's what you can expect to earn this winter...
Even with small stakes, the profits are substantial and this means you have 2 quick and easy opportunities to start changing your circumstances for the better, starting right now...
The first is regular and reliable paydays, with +306.5 Points Level Stakes Profits over the course of a typical winter season...
And the second is from Acca bets with massive potential payouts in the 4, 5 or even 6-Figures. Paydays of this magnitude can't be guaranteed, of course, but we usually get several winning Acca's over the winter and hopefully, even more this time round!
So, now you've seen our proven strategies and how they work, let me ask you a question...
I don't know about you, but I like to spend my betting income on exploring which is why I've just booked up for a 5-Star Egypt Tour next year...
I know it's massively expensive but, since my betting profits came easily and completely tax-free, why not? I'm already getting excited to visit the Great Pyramid and cruise down the Nile in style! ...
And here's how a few of our long-term members are using their betting income...
So maybe you also have a dream to travel the world or to go on luxury holidays every year...
Maybe your dream is to to move to a bigger house or renovate where you live now...
Or maybe you just want to work less hours, spend more time with family, and have more freedom...
Whatever may be true for you, these betting strategies are specifically designed to help you get there, and their performance has been exceptional with 7 / 7 Profitable Winter Seasons and counting...
Only one question remains...
If you do, here's how...
We have just created a Very Special Offer which gives you access to all our NH and AW selections for a Full 6 Months, so you can test them out yourself...
We've even added our NH flat selections to help you make extra profits, plus you'll receive a whole host of step-by-step video tutorials, bonus courses, downloads, and more within our exclusive members area.
These services normally cost £39 per month EACH - that's a total value of £468 for both services over the next 6 months...
But right now, you have the unique opportunity to join us for the ultra-low price of just £97, so you get a Massive 80% Saving on the RRP...
On top of all the above, we're also going to include a very special bonus...
Here's what you can win...
That's a total of 16 Prizes up for grabs this weekend...
You could easily bag one of them, perhaps even the grand prize of £1,000 which we will send you this weekend (via BACs or Paypal), in plenty of time for the Christmas holidays.
In fact, that's just the tip of the iceberg because we run cash prize draws Every Single Month...
And with your 6 month membership...
In other words, you're in with an excellent chance of winning at least one prize...
So don't miss out! To be automatically entered, simply hit the button below and register now...
Ok, so if you haven't registered yet and are still reading this, you must have noticed the "BACKED BY OUR 100+ POINT PROFIT GUARANTEE" label above.
Here's exactly what this means...
You see, here at Lucrative we like to do things differently. We don't just email you some tips and then disappear into the night.
We want to make sure you're in profit and we're confident this service will help you get there...
With that in mind, if the service doesn't produce at least 100 points profit by the end of your 6 month membership you can claim a full refund (or, if you prefer, FREE access for the rest of the year)...
We are literally shouldering all the risk here, so you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving this a shot...
And now's your chance.
Your chance to create a new life of financial freedom.
Your chance to have financial security...
And your chance to live the lifestyle you've always dreamed of...
Now just before we close...
I need to give you a Quick Word Of Warning...
You see, we have a strict limit on how many people can join our service.
That's because, let's face it, if thousands of people place the same bet all at once, the odds are going to plummet FAST...
We also pride ourselves on offering a high standard of customer service, and we're a small business with a small support team so we need to keep the numbers manageable.
As you're probably already aware, this very special offer has went a bit "viral". We'd be surprised if you haven't already received several emails from sources you trust, recommending it wholeheartedly...
That's because we're among the best in the business, and we're confident this service will perform exceptionally well for you this winter season.
The point is, this is your ONE AND ONLY guaranteed opportunity to join us.
With that in mind, you'll see a countdown timer below...
This is exactly how long you have to register, before this special offer closes for good so just before that happens, here's 4 very good reasons you should take advantage right now...
Many thanks for taking the time to learn about our most profitable winter strategies, and how they can maximise your chances of generating large profits over the coming weeks and months.
We hope you found this report useful, and we’re really looking forward to seeing you on the inside and profiting together over the next 6 months.
Merry Christmas!
Michael & The Lucrative Racing Team
Who is this service for?
The service is for anyone who wants to start profiting from their betting in a proven, sustainable way.
We cater to beginners by providing step-by-step tutorials showing you how to place your bets, and for seasoned punters by providing additional options and strategies to help you maximise your profits.
What makes this different from other services?
Unlike many tipping services, we focus on a long-term, investment approach to betting because the only way to prove if a strategy works is by testing it for a long period of time.
Our National Hunt, All Weather, and Flat selection services have 7 years of meticulous proofing to back them up, and this is why we are so confident in their future performance.
As a member, you have the opportunity to make substantial profits from our selections by betting them in a consistent fashion. You can do this via win or each way singles, or by combining the selections into a daily multiple or "Acca" bet.
You also get access to several exclusive member benefits, such as step-by-step video tutorials, bonus courses and downloads, and access to our monthly cash prize draws.
What is the minimum recommended bankroll and stakes?
With this service, you can stake as little as £1 per bet and this would require a bankroll of approx. £50.
Full instructions for increasing your stakes as your profit and bankroll grows, are included with the service.
Which bookmaker or exchange accounts can I use?
This service will work with any bookmaker or betting exchange that accepts bets for UK Horse Racing.
The selections have historically produced excellent profits at Betfair SP, if this is your preferred way to bet.
When are the bets posted?
We post each days selections at approx. 10am UK time, and we have bets 5 days per week, Tuesday - Saturday.
What is your money back guarantee?
We will keep track of the results over the next 6 months and, should the service fail to produce an absolute minimum of 100 points profit in that time, you can claim one of the following:
1. A full refund of your £97 membership fee.
2. Free access to the service for the rest of the year.
How long is this special introductory offer available for?
This special introductory offer is only available until the spaces fill and that could happen at any time.
We have temporarily reserved your space, so right now is the best time to join us.
How can I get started?
You can get started by clicking the "Yes! I'm Ready To Start Winning" Button Below...