Thanks for joining me today

I created this report to show you how you can find winners and profit from races that are notoriously difficult to predict...

But in order to do that, first we have a mystery to solve...

And I have a controversial but incredibly valuable concept to share with you, that can really make a HUGE difference to your betting and how much profit you bring home at the end of the day...

All I ask is that you carefully read this report from start to finish…

By the end you’ll know exactly how this strategy works, why it’s so profitable, and whether or not you’d like to try it out for yourself…

Sound good? ...

Alright, let’s dive straight in so I can explain exactly how I discovered this method...

After a brief phase of uncontrolled gambling in my late teens, followed by a longer period of following so-called sure things, shady tipsters, and completely useless betting systems... 

I was in the hole for the best part of £30,000. Ouch!...

And although I went through my fair share of pain and suffering during this time, I realise now that....

In every failed attempt there was a valuable lesson to be learned, and I wouldn’t be in the position I am today without this harsh but necessary learning curve...

In the words of Henry Ford...

"Failure Is Only The Opportunity To Try Again, This Time More Intelligently" ...

So if you’ve suffered your own trials and tribulations with betting up to this point, let me give you a word of encouragement to just keep going

The hidden treasure is buried mere inches away from where you currently stand. 

Anyway, needless to say I eventually found my way out of that deep hole of debt... 

And even into substantial profit, as can be seen here from the deposit and withdrawal history of my betfair account...

...where I’ve withdrawn £94,700 in pure profit so far.

I also decided to build a company dedicated to betting enthusiasts just like you, to help you create a substantial income from your betting too...

Since then, we’ve received a huge amount of positive feedback from our members…


And even from the gold standard in reviewing services, Smart Betting Club...

Hidden Winners has been an intriguing service to put under the review microscope. It is rare for there to be such a clear discrepancy between bookmaker and Betfair performance – favouring Betfair - associated with a horse racing tipster.

All our analysis points towards using the Exchanges, and moving forward, we at the SBC will be monitoring performance related to backing win only to Betfair SP. For those of you with bookmaker access that has Best Odds Guaranteed attached then this is another very easy way to profit from the service.

In addition to ease of use and strong performance to date, the added bonus for us is that Hidden Winners is run by a chap who we know well already and can trust to run a slick and professional service.

Rowan Day, Smart Betting Club

So, we’ve been sharing profitable betting strategies and tips for several years with a great deal of success…

And today you’re going to discover one of the most exclusive and top-performing strategies in my personal portfolio, after all these years of research and development. So if...

- You truly want to start profiting from your betting, but everything you’ve tried so far hasn’t worked.

- You're sick and tired of following systems or tipsters that promise the world, but always end up losing you money.

Or, perhaps you’re already making a conservative profit, but are really looking for more and...

 - You want to build a serious betting income well into the five figures.

If any of this applies to you, then what I have to share with you today will suit you down to a tee... 

So without further ado, let me show you I started finding these Hidden Winners...

I was performing some of my usual analysis… know, breaking down my results according to various factors like the race type, going, distance, different odds ranges and so on…

I was trying to see which factors were making the most profit, and which, if any, were making a loss…

And while doing this, I noticed something strange. One of these factors in particular stood out…

Non-Handicap races were performing WAY better than Handicap races...

I thought this strange because, as you may already know…

The majority of non-handicap races such as maidens, novices, juveniles and NH flat races can be very difficult to predict…

The reason being, the horses entered are often young and inexperienced, which means there’s little, if any, previous form to go on...

Since there isn’t much data available, shrewd punters, pundits and tipsters avoid these races like the plague...

And I don’t blame them. If you’re using a standard set of racecards like the Racing Post, there’s usually little to no useful information for non-handicaps…

And while I’ve personally managed to work around this over the years by availing myself of all the very best resources - detailed trainer, jockey and sire data, information directly from the training yards etc., all of which are invaluable for finding the likely winners in these races...

I was still shocked when I discovered that these Hidden Winners were in fact responsible for the vast majority of my take-home profit...

But after some digging, I managed to unearth one very good reason why this was happening. I call it...

The Madness Of Crowds...

You may have heard of the "Wisdom Of Crowds" theory, where the combined opinion of a large group of punters is more accurate than the opinion of a single expert...

This is the reason why the betting exchange is so accurate at predicting the odds for sporting events, particularly at Betfair’s starting price...

However, the wisdom of crowds theory has it's limits. The current research indicates it works best when…

 - The crowd is made up of a wide and diverse group of people.

As already mentioned, shrewder punters and tipsters avoid non-handicaps due to how unpredictable they can be. So, the betting market for these races is probably dominated by the gamblers (not very diverse, in my opinion)...

 - The crowd is at least reasonably informed.

Again, limited information means a lot of guesswork, so I’d say the jury's out on this one...

 - The crowd hasn’t been manipulated to favour certain outcomes. 

Unfortunately, bookmakers can easily manipulate a race by heavily promoting one particular outcome. Rumours of so-called “sure things” can also manipulate the betting market...

So as it’s clear to see... 

There are some very good reasons why the wisdom of crowds theory can’t be applied when there is little to no useful information available to the general public…

And when the crowd is dominated by mug-punters and gamblers, by definition it can no longer be called Wise... 

But you could call it Mad, and a Mad crowd does funny things to the betting market...

This gives us the opportunity to swoop in, and take advantage of the WILDY incorrect odds that are available in these races…

And secure ourselves a TON OF VALUE in the process...

And, just in case you didn't already know, Value Equals Profit. Period.

Ok, so I think that’s enough with the theory. Let's quickly run through an example so I can show you how this works in practise…

Ok, so this example is a maiden and as you can see above in the form column, all of the runners have little or no previous form. What I found interesting is that despite this...

Dromquinna is the strong odds-on favourite. I generally avoid odd-on favourites, but particularly in races like this, where all the runners are unexposed and pretty much anything could happen...

Instead, I’m going to take a closer look at these runners here...there’s usually plenty of value to be had here, since the majority of the money is going on the strong favourite. I usually avoid the ultra-high prices too, because I like to maintain a decent strike rate...

Ok, so in the interest of time I’ll not bore you with the details of my full analysis here. I can share more on that with you later, if you’re interested...

But after digging into the sire, trainer and jockey data, analysing the betting market and so on, my sights rested on...

Bowland Park. In short, the available data looks interesting, and he’s certainly a value price. He also ran green on his first run, and a marked improvement is likely. Now, if we skip to the race result…

We can see that Bowland Park turned over the odds-on favourite, and went on to win by almost 4 lengths. And because the mug-money was going on Dromquinna, he even drifted all the way out to 19.12 (approx. 18/1) at Betfair SP....

Easy profit for us! ...

While I had this on each way with Hills and only received 10/1, the bet still gave me a nice £350 payout...

And this strategy is proven to produce consistent and substantial profits since myself and a small group of members each invested a bankroll, and started putting it to the test…

On an average year, we make 324.31 points profit from these Hidden Winners and for you, that means if you started with...

£10 Stakes = £270 profit / month

£25 Stakes = £675 profit / month

And if you're looking for more, you can easily build your bankroll and stakes up to something more substantial, for example with…

£100 Stakes = £2,702 profit / month

The funny thing is, profiting from these Hidden Winners is actually a LOT easier than you might think…

...And there are two key ways you can start doing just that, right now…

The first is to learn the selection method and start putting it to work...

Once you've learned the method, you’ll go from frustrated losing punter to professional betting investor, with all the tools you need to build your wealth and achieve financial freedom

But gaining the power to find Hidden Winners on demand, as and when it suits you, is just one small part of what I have to share with you today...

The second part is my selection service, where you receive every single Hidden Winner so all you need to do is place your bets and collect your winnings

I’m confident this will be among the hottest betting services to follow over the coming weeks and months, and also one that you’re going to love using….

So, if you’d like to gain access to these ultra-profitable tips, or the full selection method so you can start finding winners just like the pros...

Here's how you can get started...

We have put ALL these exclusive resources into our online membership service called...


And I’ve set this up to give you the opportunity to take your power back, and your money back from the bookies once and for all...

The best thing about this is just how Fast, Effective and EASY it is to use, and integrate into your daily routine…

So If you want to start profiting from your betting right now, but don’t have much time to spare, this is the perfect service for you...

On a typical day...

Hidden Winners provides 2 or 3 "bet and forget" selections which you can get on in a matter of seconds...

And a service that you can access from any smartphone, tablet or computer with a basic internet connection…

Plus, our service is designed to suit you and your preferred style of betting...

So if you prefer placing multiple and ACCA bets, no problem! I'll show you how to combine the selections into one daily multiple bet for MASSIVE potential profits...

Or, maybe you prefer using Betfair? Great - these Hidden Winners produce excellent profits on the exchange and even at Betfair SP...

And finally, if you’re the type of person who prefers to do your own research and find your own bets…

You also get access to my in-depth series of training videos, where I’m going to share the full selection method with you…

This exclusive training has the power to turn you into a profitable punter for life, which is something the vast majority of betting enthusiasts NEVER manage... 

And you cannot find a service like this anywhere else online…

However, if I hear from you today, you'll have the opportunity to instantly access this powerful collection of betting resources immediately

More on that in a second, but first I’d like to share some of the feedback I’ve received from our long-term members that helped me beta-test Hidden Winners

I've been using Hidden Winners for over 6 months now, and just have to say it’s an excellent service and clearly Michael has extensive knowledge of horse racing and the concept of value. 

It's also simple to follow, only takes up a minute of your day and is super-consistent. I already have a profitable portfolio and use a number of tipping services, but this is definitely one of the strongest!

David F

Hidden Winners is more than worthy of 5/5 stars. Finally, a genuine and honest service with excellent long term profits. Great work!

Steven M

Hi Michael, thanks for letting me trial your new hidden winners strategy this year...

I’m up over £9,500 at last count so this has been nothing short of a god-send at a time when job security seems to be disappearing left right and center!

Mark S

Not only has Mark reported profits in excess of £9,500, but he’s also pointed out that job security seems to be disappearing left-right and center...

And I have to say, I completely agree…

There has never been a better time than right now to start creating new, independent streams of income

And just imagine how good it will feel when you can finally let go of those money worries, and focus on living life the way you’ve always wanted to…

I’m sure by now you can clearly see just how life-changing this unique opportunity can be for you…

So if you’re ready to finally start seeing genuine results, our daily selections will reel in the profit for you like nothing you’ve seen before...

And by the time you’ve completed the in-depth training included with your membership, you’ll know exactly how to find hidden winners like the pros

That’s an invaluable skill to have, a skill that nobody can ever take away from you...

And that's not all...

When you join us right now, you'll also get access to a very special bonus...

Would You Like The Chance To WIN £1,000 CASH Each And Every Month? ...

Well, that's exactly what you get when you join us today...

We give away £1,000 in cash to our members every single month, and our next prize draw takes place at MIDDAY ON SATURDAY 5TH AUGUST in just...

Sound good? ...

"Ok, I'm ready to give this a go. How do I join?" ...

Well, the normal cost to join Hidden Winners is £49 per month. I realise this isn’t cheap, but the statement “you get what you pay for” rings true for a very good reason...

And since many of our beta-testers have made in excess of £1,000 from Hidden Winners on an average month…

I’m sure you’ll agree that exchanging £49 for over £1,000 in winnings, that’s a 20X return per month, is more than fair...

Now, the fact that you’re still here watching means that you’re serious about the success of your betting, so here’s what I’m going to do…

I’m going to give 3 TIMES THE VALUE, that's a full 90 days for you to put these Hidden Winners to the test, for one single payment of just £49...


Click Above Now To Get 90 DAYS ACCESS To Hidden Winners & To Enter Our £1,000 CASH PRIZE DRAW!

Now in addition to your cash prize entry and your 67% discount, I want to make this a completely safe decision for you without any risk what-so-ever...

So we're going to provide you with an extra-long performance guarantee

Guarantee Box icon-style-25

Your 90 Day Performance Guarantee

I am so confident in Hidden Winners that I’m going to take away all the risk…

That means you can give Hidden Winners a thorough test-drive over the next 90 DAYS, and if you’re not in profit by the end then I will work for free! Simply contact me and you’ll get your membership for the rest of the year COMPLETELY FREE!

Now, before we wrap up I need to give you fair warning...

Hidden Winners is an incredibly popular service, and we've haven't opened the doors to new members in OVER A YEAR...

So with that in mind...

We Reserve The Right To Close The Doors AT ANY TIME WITHOUT WARNING When We Reach Our Member Limit…

In other words, if you don’t join right now and you miss out, please don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Ok, that brings us to the end of this report so thanks for sticking with me...

By now, you’ve seen that it’s possible to find winners in non-handicap races, even when there is little or no previous form to go on…

You’ve seen how you can start making serious money from these selections...

And it’s clear that the Hidden Winners service will show you EXACTLY how to do just that…

So, I’d like to invite you one last time to join this invaluable service so you can take your betting to exciting new heights and change your life in the process...

Join Us Now! Our Next £1,000 CASH PRIZE DRAW Takes Place In Just...


Click Above Now To Get 90 DAYS ACCESS To Hidden Winners - NO Subscriptions Or Recurring Payments!

Thanks once again for joining me here today, and I’m looking forward to helping you become an incredibly successful horse racing investor, starting today!

Yours Sincerely,

Michael J Carr

Director, Lucrative Racing

Copyright 2012-Present. Lucrative Racing. All Rights Reserved.