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Hello and thanks for joining us here today…
There are 3 specific reasons I created this report for you, and the first is to share the undeniable truth about fixes, plots and scandals within horse racing, which is something I’ve NEVER discussed before…
The second is to show you a way to bet that not only produces Massive Profits, but also lets you win Over Half Your Bets with absolutely no odd-on bets, no lay betting, and no long losing runs either…
And finally, we’d like the opportunity to prove all this to you so at the end, I’ll show you exactly how you can get FREE ACCESS to all the selections so you can test them yourself…
We also have exciting Rewards and Guarantees to share with you, that we’re certain you won’t find anywhere else.
All I ask is that you read this full report from beginning to end (it’ll only take 5 - 10 minutes) and then you can decide for yourself…
Sound fair enough?
Great! Let’s get started…
We’ve all heard it before…
Pick any social setting you like - if the conversation turns to sports and specifically the horses, at some point someone is bound to chime in…
“Horse Racing…It’s All Fixed!” …
What do you think - is the sport really that corrupt? …
Well, I’ve never covered this topic before but after running the popular website Lucrative Racing for over a decade, and speaking with thousands of punters, betting professionals, and people working within the industry too, let me share what I’ve learned with you…
You see, there’s plenty of times I’ve been to the races and seen it first first-hand…
The strongest horse on paper gets Destroyed by an outsider with little to no previous form, and you’re left staring at the form book and scratching your head. Or maybe you’ve watched a jockey give such a poor ride that you think to yourself “He’s done that on purpose - he’s trying to lose!” …
Perhaps you read a news article about the latest doping scandal, or “the jockey that puts a huge bet on a different horse to the one they’re riding”...
When you see and hear about these things happening, it’s perfectly reasonable to suspect the sport is corrupt and races are “fixed”...
And I’m certainly not going to argue that funny-business doesn’t happen from time to time either…
But (and there is a but), when it comes to “fixes” and “sure-things” I have a real problem. I mean…
How Can Something Be Truly “Fixed” When There Are So Many Unpredictable Factors At Play? …
A racehorse is an animal, not a machine. It might not like being stuck in a horse box all the way to the racecourse (particularly for long journeys), it might get spooked by the loud crowd, it might refuse to go into the stalls, or once in them, come out again...
Our unpredictable weather might change the “going” to something our horse simply doesn’t run well on, or perhaps it doesn’t like heavy rain or wind…
And even if we assume our horse is prepped and ready, and the conditions are perfect for a winning performance on the day…
What if it falls, or unseats its rider? What if it loses a shoe? What if it can’t find an opening, gets boxed-in, or is hindered by the other runners? …
You see, there’s an almost endless list of things that can go wrong on any given day, and in any given race, and this makes a true “fix” Almost Impossible To Guarantee…
But let’s set all that aside for one moment. There's one thing that swayed my opinion perhaps more than anything I’ve just mentioned…
Enter The “Haymaker”…
It was amid the lockdowns of 2020 - all UK and Irish racing was off - and I soon got bored laying around watching Netflix so I took the opportunity to run a course that showed people how to start their own online business…
I was soon contacted by a man who claimed to make the majority of his income from horse betting, and with racing off he was quite worried about the future…
Long story short, he was looking to create an additional “Nest-Egg” - something to fall back on in case there were many more breaks in the racing calendar...
A smart move, to be sure…
I suggested, if horse racing was his area of expertise, some sort of selection service or members club could be just the thing to build his “Nest-Egg” once racing resumed again…
“That would be ideal. The main problem is I need to remain anonymous. I’ve spent the past 25 years building contacts within the industry including many of the major training yards, and I’m not about to jeopardise those relationships.”
What do you think? Would this statement raise a Red Flag for you? …
This certainly wasn’t the first time I’d been contacted by someone claiming to be an “Industry Insider”, nor would it be the last…
Nevertheless, after a long series of calls and emails with this guy, I have to admit I was impressed by his knowledge of both the sport and the wider betting industry…
I was also curious about his approach to betting, which sounded quite different to the value-based strategies we focus on here at Lucrative Racing…
“Look - your services are good, and you’ve got a reputation for being one of the few good guys in the tipping business - that’s why I came to you in the first place. But you’re missing something that pretty much ALL punters want - to win most of their bets, with no major upsets (losing runs) along the way.”
Pretty much everything this guy said was controversial - Win Most Of Your Bets? ...
Was he betting odds-on? …
Was he laying? …
Needless to say, at this point I was curious enough to at least let him send us his selections to proof, and then we’d see what’s what…
We began as soon as racing resumed in June, and fortunately there were no further breaks in the racing calendar from then on…
The result? …
Well, I’ll get to that in a moment but first allow me to circle back to the conundrum of Horse Racing Fixes we were discussing earlier…
You see, although me and my new contact had our disagreements, we both strongly agreed about one thing…
And that was the nature of fixes and scandals within the sport…
“Sure you get the odd scandal, but the idea of a true “fix” has never made sense to me or my contacts. Racing is heavily regulated these days, and it’s just not worth the risk for a training yard to try to orchestrate something like that.”
We agreed that while funny business may have been more common in the past, it’s much more difficult to do nowadays with modern technology at play. And it's not just us...
Many of the Most Successful Gamblers Of All Time agree on this point. Even Patrick Veitch admits that the betting environment has become tougher in recent times, and claims to make Over 70% Of His Profit from “backing his own judgement”...
All this despite him clearly being privy to some priceless information over the years…
The fact of the matter is, the way racing and betting operates in the 2020’s …
There Is No Such Thing As A “Sure-Thing” …
But what about something more realistic, like keeping a great horse under the radar for long enough to push the odds out? …
“There’s prep-runs and what you might call “plot” horses, but there’s also a huge financial outlay to keep a horse with ability under the radar for very long - the purchase price, stable fees, travel, race entries, missed prize money etc. All for one “fixed” race with one big payout? For most owners and trainers, the payout isn't worth the outlay.”
Prep-runs and “plot” horses have always fascinated me…
The idea is, horses are entered in races to get them used to competing, to get them "Prepped" To Win. They often race at the wrong trip, and the jockey gives them an easy ride so they usually finish mid-field at best…
Once the trainer feels the horse is ready, they will be entered in a race at the right trip and with ideal conditions, and the jockey rides to win…
It’s a great way to find winners IF you know what to look for, but unless you’ve got the inside scoop it also involves watching hundreds if not thousands of races, so finding the right horses can be a real slog…
“I love watching race replays and analysing form of course, but a large portion of my betting originates with the training yard. Nobody knows the horse like the trainer, and if the yard has enough confidence in their horse on the day, that’s a priceless insight the general public usually doesn’t have access to. Then I’ll perform my analysis to see if it’s worth a punt…”
If the man proves correct, and at this point you might suspect he could be on to something, then his approach really boils down to sourcing the right information…
Making Money Is Easy IF You Know Something The General Public Doesn’t…
We all know this to be true.
But that’s a big IF - it was time for our man on the inside to lay his cards on the table…
So what happened? …
Fast forward a year, and it was time to check back on the performance …
Drum-roll please…
The Haymaker’s selections had produced +429.01 Points Profit, and the strike rate averaged out at 51.75%...
I couldn’t believe it - he’d actually made good on both his promises…
“This is something that pretty much ALL punters want - to win more bets than you lose, and no major upsets (losing runs) along the way” …
At this point, he asked if he’d given me my proof yet…
And after finding my voice again, you know what I said to him?…
I said No! …
Let me explain…
Believe it or not, I can be quite a risk-averse person, especially when it comes to the business I’ve spent over a decade building…
I have the reputation of Lucrative Racing to consider. I mean, we've built up a community of hundreds of happy members and here's what just a few of them have said…
The fact is, we’d NEVER put an external tipster on our books before, so I wanted to be extra cautious…
Needless to say, our man wasn’t happy about this - not happy at all! …
So I gave him the best counter-offer I could…
I asked him to give me one more year, and this time I would pay him a wage for the information - that would at least give him his extra income stream, and enable him to start building his “Nest- Egg"...
Eventually, he agreed.
IF the results continued as before, I would at least have my peace of mind and we could finally bring One Of The Best Performing Services We’d EVER Seen to the general public…
But, seeing as our inside man was adamant about remaining anonymous, we needed a name…
I asked if he had any ideas, at which point he joked about when he used to help out at a stables as a kid, and the nickname the Stablehands coined for him…
“They used to hand me their Racing Post and tell me to pick a horse. They often won - I was just picking names I liked so it was complete luck of course - but after a while they all started calling me the “Haymaker”…and it sort of stuck!”
I have to admit it has a certain ring to it, but now let’s get back to the important stuff…
What happened in the second year? …
Did the selections perform anywhere near as well as in the first? …
No, they didn’t.
They performed EVEN BETTER…
Start Winning Over Half Your Bets And Making Massive Profits…
No odds-on bets, no lay betting, and no long losing runs…
Would You Like To Start Winning Over 52% Of Your Bets? …
Do You Want To Generate +924 Points Profit? …
How About A 410% Return On Your Investment Each Year? …
If you’ve answered YES to any of the above questions, then Haymaker is the perfect service for you…
Staking just £10 per point over the proofing period, you’d have earned £9,240 profit…
And staking £50 per point you’d have earned a Massive £46,200 Profit! …
Plus you can finally forget about losing streaks. Haymaker provides regular winning streaks - this one for example, where we had 10 winning bets in a row…
So looking to the future, just take a moment to imagine All The Profits you’ll make when you join us, and all the Extra Cash you’ll have to spend in the months and years to come…
And not only that…we’ve an Extra Special Bonus to give you when you join us today…
You see, we want to be know as the service that goes the extra mile, and the service that gives back to our members…
So to prove that to you, we’ve recently started running an exclusive prize-draw where…
We Give Away £1,000 CASH To Our Members EVERY SINGLE MONTH! …
And to enter this month’s prize draw, all you need to do is join us right now…
Ok, I’m ready to give this a go. How do I join? …
Well, you’re in luck because right now you can claim a full week’s access to the service at NO COST WHATSOEVER!…
To get this exclusive deal, just below you should see a “start my free trial” button...
I want you to click that button right now to join and when you do that, you'll be taken to the registration form to set up your members account and get Instant Access…
If you’re happy to continue after the trial, which of course you are in no way obliged to - you’re free to cancel at any time - memberships start from as little as £16.58 per month (annual subscription), which is an infinitesimally small amount compared to the profits this service can provide you…
And there’s even a “no subscription” option available, if you prefer to make a single payment instead.
Now, after 2 years of proven results we have full confidence in the Haymaker and what he can do for you, which is why we’re going to shoulder ALL the risk and give you our Industry Leading Guarantee...
If Haymaker doesn’t generate At Least 100 Points Profit during the first 12 months of your membership, we’ll be happy to provide you with an additional 12 months Completely Free Of Charge! ...
This means there’s literally no way you can lose here…
At a bare minimum, you have a full week to trial the service completely free. And if you continue afterwards, but don’t make at least 100 points within your first year, you’ll get a second year completely free too! ...
Now you might be thinking to yourself...
“Let me get this straight - I can trial the service for Free, PLUS I have the chance to Win £1,000 Cash Each Month, AND you're Guaranteeing me at least 100 points profit?” ...
That's correct.
If you're wondering why we're offering such a crazy deal, it's because here at Lucrative Racing we have a much bigger vision...
You see, we’re sick and tired of seeing individual punters lose too much of their hard earned cash to the bookmakers. The bookies have way too much money, and too much power, and we've made it our mission to help level the playing field...
But I admit we also have an agenda…
Over the past decade, we’ve built a community of like-minded people who are Truly Succeeding with their betting. And I know once you join us and see the results for yourself, you’re going to want to continue doing business with us in the future…
It’s a Win-Win, no doubt about it…
But I do need to warn you, due to the nature of this service we have a Strict Limit on how many people can join so you’ll notice there’s a countdown timer below…
This is the very latest we will close the doors to new members - it might well be sooner if enough people get win of this offer so with that in mind…
We Reserve The Right To Close The Doors AT ANY TIME WITHOUT WARNING When We Reach Our Member Limit…
Or in other words, if you don’t join right now and you subsequently miss out, please don’t say we didn’t warn you…
There's been at least a couple of times when we’ve launched a new service, all the spaces filled in Less Than 24 Hours so before we close, here’s four ironclad reasons to join us right now while you still can…
You Get Completely Free Access For A Full Week…
Win Your Share Of £1,000 Every Single Month In Our Cash Prize Draw…
You’re Guaranteed The Results You Want, Or It’s On Us! …
And NEVER Forget, Your New Betting Income Is 100% Tax Free! …
So if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to click the “start my free trial” button below and get signed up now...
On behalf of Lucrative Racing, thanks once again for taking the time to learn the truth about horse racing plots, and how you can start making large recurring profits with the Haymaker.
We hope you found this report useful, and we’re really looking forward to seeing you on the inside and profiting together in the coming months and years.
Kind Regards,
Michael & The Lucrative Racing Team
Copyright 2011 - Present. Lucrative Limited. All Rights Reserved.