Great! You're now part of the Scoop6 Squad - we will combine everyone's shares and split our stakes evenly over the festival.

We will also send an email to your registered address, at least 1 hour before the Scoop6 starts. This will include the link to the selections page, which also provides our shortlist for all six races and our chosen "Nap" race.

IMPORTANT: To ensure you receive our selections email, you MUST whitelist with your email provider.

If you're unsure how to do this, please refer to the whitelisting instructions below (or perform a Google search for your email provider).



1. Add the following email addresses to your "contacts" or "safe senders":


Go to Outlook or Hotmail

Add the address to your safe senders:

  1. Click the cog icon in the top-right corner and then Options
  2. On the left, select the Safe senders option under Junk Mail 
  3. Add and to the list of Safe senders, then click save.
  4. On the left, select the Safe mailing lists option under Junk Mail
  5. Add and to the list of Safe mailing lists


Go to Gmail

Create a filter for our email addresses:

  1. Click the cog icon in the top-right corner, and then Settings
  2. Click on Filters and blocked addresses, and then Create a new filter
  3. Enter in the To field
  4. Click Create filter with this search
  5. In the box headed When a message arrives that matches this search select Never send it to spam
  6. Click the Create filter button
  7. Repeat the above process for


Go to Yahoo! or BT mail

Create a filter for our email addresses:

  1. Mouse over the Settings menu icon and select Settings
  2. Click Filters and then Add
  3. Enter a Filter Name
  4. Enter in the To field
  5. Select Inbox as the folder to deliver the email to
  6. Click Save and then click Save again
  7. Repeat the above process for


2. If our emails are landing in your Junk folder, please go to the message and click the 'not junk' or 'mark as safe' button.



The Scoop6 Squad