Frustrated Ex-Gambler Develops Unique Betting Strategy That Takes Banks And Bookies To The Cleaners By Returning 331.04% On Your Investment Each Year...
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Dear Fellow Betting Enthusiast,
Today I'd like to to share one of the very few remaining serious opportunities to make money from your betting.
Whether you like it or not, the truth of the matter is, with the overload of betting information available online today, coupled with the power of the bookmaker and the efficiency of the betting exchange...
It's Becoming Harder And Harder For The Average Punter To Profit.
In fact, it's estimated that almost 99% of people who bet lose money in the long run.
Only the savviest among us, those of us who have been in the game for a long time, have learned all the tricks of the trade, and essentially are able to commit full time hours to the pursuit of betting profit, have a real chance of coming out on top...
And I'm sorry to say, if you don't make it into this class, then you have about as much chance of making money from betting as you do getting blood from a stone.
Now let me ask you something...How many times have you backed an odds on favourite, only to see it run home stone cold last? Or seen your horse get pulled up halfway round the course? Or watched a well fancied jumper fall at the first fence?
It happens to all of us, and guess what? It will again in future...
But before I tell you why that doesn't really matter, let me briefly introduce myself to those of you who don't already know me...
My name is Michael Carr, and I've been a Horse Racing enthusiast for 15 years, and developing my own betting methods for more than a decade now. During that time, my first hurdle was learning how to stop gambling and losing money...
From there, I was eventually able to learn how to earn a pretty decent living from my betting investments.
Obviously it goes without saying that learning how to make my betting profitable has been great, but what’s really mattered most is the lifestyle that this has allowed me to live...
Firstly, I get to choose when and where I work, which is a life changer in itself. I also no longer have to deal with stress and worry regarding money, like how to pay off that credit card debt that's mounted up over the years...
Or god forbid, where the money for next months rent is going to materialise from (even though that's exactly where I was not all that long ago). But most importantly...
Betting Investment Allowed Me To Choose A Worthwhile Purpose In Life.
I know it might sound a bit cheesy, but I've come to see this as one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you could possibly imagine...
And the purpose I have chosen, when it comes down to it, is to share and teach these methods with people like you, so you too can create a residual income, and live the life you've always wanted…
But now it's time to get off my high horse. It wasn't always this way...
In my fifteen or so years in this game, I've made my fair share of mistakes. Like racking up a shed-load of debt chasing losses, wasting several sizeable bankrolls in an attempt to "get rich quick"...
And even missing out on thousands in profit because of fear and lack of patience...
So bear in mind that if back then I had attempted to predict which betting methods would return the greatest profit, the vast majority of my predictions would have been way off the mark...
But, in every failed attempt there laid a valuable lesson, and I soon realised that...
There are no mistakes, there are only opportunities to learn and improve.
And I can now say with certainty, that without these opportunities I wouldn't have gained the skills required to become successful in this ultra-competitive industry...
With that being said, I will now tell you what I would say to my family if they asked me how to invest their money in betting today...
First and foremost, I would say that...
The Mindset We Approach Betting With Is Just As Important As The Method...
And to adopt the ideal mindset, we need only follow three simple rules...
1. Always Invest A Dedicated Bankroll.
A dedicated bankroll is a set amount of money that you use only for betting investment, and nothing else. Not even a casual flutter on your football team at the weekend. If you do want the odd casual bet, that's fine, just keep the pots separate.
2. Never Bet Emotionally Or Chase Losses.
This is not to say betting can't be fun, but rather that we should never place a wager that we NEED to win, or bet big in an attempt to quickly recoup what we have lost previously...
3. Stick To Your Guns During Losing Runs.
Losing runs are part and parcel of every straight betting method, and we all know this. But it's a fact that is seemingly ignored by the vast majority of punters, who don't commit to a betting method long enough to reap any rewards...
Instead, most bail out at the first sight of a run of losers. These people rarely, if ever, make any money in the long run.
And too often, I see punters staking 5%, 10%, or even 20% of their bankroll per bet. Unless you're laying or betting odds on, this is a sure fire way to wipe out your bankroll in short order.
For betting success, stake according to your strike rate, and make perseverance your new best friend.
These three rules sound pretty basic, but most of us break them on a regular basis.
Let's Be Honest, I've Broken These Rules Before, And You Probably Have Too.
So ok, if you like to bet purely for fun, and you only wager what you can happily afford to lose, that's completely fine. Go for it...
But please don't kid yourself into thinking one day you'll get lucky, and make all those losses back with profit on top. It simply isn't going to happen...
On the other hand, if you want your betting to be a profitable venture, these simple rules should be the foundation on which everything else is built...
After all, why throw money down the drain, when you don't have to?
Anyway, this foundation is mainly in place to make sure we are doing everything in our power to protect our investment. But it doesn't tell us all that much about the actual betting methods to use to achieve the greatest profit...
So here's the next piece of advice I would give to those closest to me. Actually, it's more of a golden rule...
To Be Successful, Only Bet When The Odds Are In Your Favour.
Sounds good in theory, but how do we identify when the odds are favourable? ...
Well, the bookies wouldn't be making the big bucks if they always offered favourable odds. And if they truly had their way, the odds would always be stacked well against us...
But as it happens, the bookies don't get their odds right all the time…
And even on betting exchanges like Betfair, where the odds are usually pretty accurate, we see errors a small percentage of the time…
This opens up a window of opportunity, for the shrewd punter to secure a profit. It's not an easy task, by any stretch of the imagination...
After all, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it...
That being said, I've made it my mission in recent years to identify these mistakes, and gradually have managed to develop a method that is proving to perform this task with remarkable accuracy...

A Daily List Of Strong Contenders With Favourable Odds, Proven Profitable Over An Extensive Live Trial.
To make it on the shortlist, each runner must meet the three following requirements...
1. The horse is a strong contender in it’s race, and has the ability to win to assuming it performs on the day.
2. The odds currently available are estimated to be higher than the horses actual chance of winning.
3. The estimated Betfair Start Price is also likely to be higher than the horses actual chance of winning.
On a typical day, there are 300 - 400 horses running across the various racecourses in the UK alone…
And this three step process allows us to immediately omit 97% of these horses, leaving us with a manageable number of runners to focus on…
All of which are are strong contenders in their race, and have been priced so that the odds are likely to be in our favour…
Which, as we've already discussed, Is the golden rule to finding profit…
The Shortlist has been tested live with real money since December 2017, and as of July 2018 is also being shared with an exclusive group of betting enthusiasts, who currently use it to generate a substantial betting income...
And now, I'd like to share with you the performance we've seen so far...
I’ve found The Shortlist to be most effective betting to win only at odds under 4/1, and betting each way at odds of 4/1 and over. The following results have been recorded using a 100 point bankroll, and betting 1 point level stakes…

But that’s only half the story...
If we implement a simple ratchet staking plan, where at the end of each month we recalculate our stake based on the current size of our bankroll, this would have happened…

Starting with a conservative £500 bankroll, you'd now have £30,332…
Start with £1,000, and you'd be standing on an incredible £60,664…
In Other Words, The Shortlist Would Have Multiplied Your Bankroll Over 60 Times So Far! ...
This makes The Shortlist an excellent method if you prefer to start small, and build your bankroll up with speed…
Now at this point you may be thinking...
"This all sounds great, but are there any drawbacks?" ...
Well to be honest, I haven’t found many, but let's address any potential issues now...
Firstly, you will need 5 - 15 minutes each day to place and record your bets, depending on the number of qualifiers on a given day...
Secondly, being able to place your bets sometime between 10am and midday (UK time), and having a few different bookmaker accounts to place your bets with, will enable you to produce the greatest profit levels possible...
Alternatively, you can use the betting exchange and still produce 90% of the recorded profit levels...
And the final hurdle; on average The Shortlist provides 10 - 12 qualifiers per day. This is because the method identifies each strong contender where the odds are likely to be in our favour, which is a good few on a typical day...
And in general, the more qualifiers we have, the more profit we’re going to come out with at the end of the day...
However, please don’t worry if this sounds like too many bets for you. I have developed a solution...
It's a next-level resource developed from the live trial results, called Current Trends.
This new feature breaks the full range of Shortlist qualifiers down into various categories, namely race type, going, class, number of runners, distance, and current odds...
And analyses the performance of each category, to identify those which are the most profitable. Let me give you an example...

The above number of runners chart was taken directly from the Shortlist members area in mid-2018, and as you can see we already had a clear trend developing...
Races with 6 or less runners, and 18 or more runners, are showing an overall loss. However, there seems to be a sweet spot for races between 7 and 17 runners...
Without going into too much detail, if we’d focused our betting on races with 7 – 17 runners only, we’d have increased our level stakes profit by over 25%, while reducing our volume of bets by over 20%...
This is just one example of how Current Trends can be used to narrow down your number of bets to as little as two or three per day...
And with a total of thirty four potential trends being monitored, there are numerous options available for you to experiment with...
Interestingly, earlier this year I ran a survey to ask our readers advice on which prominent features they would like to see in a horse racing service...
The advice I received highlighted four key features, one of which was options for bet customisation...
Well, thanks to Current Trends, we've got that covered...
But don't worry if this feature doesn't interest you, you can keep things simple and place each days Shortlist qualifiers as advised.
The other three key features I noted from the advice of our readers include...
1. "We'd like to win at least one third of our bets."
So we're looking for a strike rate of at least 33%, and looking at The Shortlist performance so far, we've seen a 36.26% strike rate which is well within the ideal range.
2. "We want to be able to build a conservative bankroll quickly."
As demonstrated in the results graph, The Shortlist has managed to turn a £500 starting bankroll into £30,332 so far...
3. "No fancy bets. We prefer straight win betting, or going each way at higher odds."
The Shortlist produces the best results betting to win at lower odds, and betting each way at higher odds...
As you can see, I've specifically developed this service based on the advice provided by betting enthusiasts like you, and I'm therefore confident that you're going to really enjoy using it...
Just look at what members of our previous racing services have said...
Michael is a genuine tipster who actually delivers on his promises. Can't ask for more really!
- Anthony
I don't know how I ever managed without your service, you beat the Racing Post verdicts hands down.
- Stephanie
I joined the service back in March when it first started taking on members. I'm still a member 8 months later which should say something about it.
I'm standing on around 180 points so far - over £3,500 in the bag as have been betting twenties.
I'd recommend betting at this level if you have the bank as haven't had any betting restrictions applied as of yet. Definitely one I would recommend.
- David
Fantastic Racing Service, made massive profits for so little outlay. Great new members website and easy to use, do yourself a favour and get on board now!
- James
Only signed up 11 days ago and already 47pts up. Some really good priced winners and a solid strike rate make it a keeper for me.
- Dennis
Over the past 40+ years I must have subscribed to hundreds of tipping services, which have all promised success and delivered nothing but failure!
I can honestly say that this is one of three that have delivered in that time.
It took me 39+ years to find it, DONT let it take you 40 years to find a winning service!
- John
Excellent service making some great money following the tips, certainly helped pay for my Christmas anyway and looking forward to it funding my summer holiday now.
Will defiantly be sticking with these for a long time to come, superb!
- Lee
And over 96% of our subscribers are happy to recommend us...

So, here's a summary of everything you're going to receive when you join our exclusive community of betting investors today...
- Grow your bankroll 4.5x - 17.9x per year with The Shortlist tipping service
- Receive staking and bankroll management advice
- Watch bet placement tutorials to ensure your success
- Stay updated with regular performance reviews
- Valued at £50 / month
- Track the performance of up to thirty four trends
- Quickly & easily reduce your number of bets
- Increase your profit & return on investment
- Receive regular statistic updates
- £30 / month value
- Download my collection of profitable betting systems
- Discover new systems each racing season
- Receive relevant rule changes & results updates
- £20 / month value
The value of everything above is £100 / month...
And, as a special thank you for joining our exclusive community of betting investors today, I've decided to throw in two extra bonuses...
- Access my odds compiler training series
- Learn how to profit by identifying favourable odds
- Receive five video tutorials & three downloadable PDF's
- £30 / month value
- Access my systems builder training series
- Learn to create your own profitable betting systems
- Receive seven video tutorials
- £30 / month value
That's brings the total value to £160 / month. Now let's quickly put this into perspective...
Imagine joining today and starting with a £500 bankroll. Based on using our ratchet staking plan, within just one year you'd have over £4,500...
Now, imagine taking that £4,500 and rolling it over...
By The End Of Year Two, You'd Be Sitting On A Profit Of Over £40,500! ...
Now let me quickly ask you...
Assuming the service performs as expected, will your profit cover the £160 / month value of this service, and leave plenty left over? ...
As it's plain to see, this is incredible value at just £160 / month...
With that being said, I want to give you every reason to take advantage of this incredible opportunity today, so I’m going to give you a chance to pick this up at a steep discount...
So, if you join right now, I’m going to make this proofed and proven service available to you for just £39 per month...
I'm offering an even greater discount when you commit to longer memberships. Sign up to a quarterly subscription for £99, or an annual subscription for just £299...
That Means Your Saving Up To An Incredible 85% Compared To The True Value Of The Service...
And, so you can try this out without having to fork out fees up front, I'm even going to go the extra mile...
Click The Start My Trial Button Below Right Now, To Get 7 Days Full Access For Only 99p...
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There are only a handful of membership spaces available at this time, and I expect these spaces to fill very soon...
So to give you every reason to take advantage of this opportunity right now, I've decided to put your mind fully at ease by shouldering all the risk...
Your Membership Is 100% Risk Free For 30 Days...

If for any reason you don’t wish to continue after your trial, email me before your renewal date and you won't be charged your renewal fee. I'll even return your 99p investment!
Plus, if you decide the service isn't for you during the first 30 days of your membership, please let me know and I’ll be happy to provide you with a full refund.
Now you may well be thinking, “Michael, why are you willing to give this away for much less than it’s worth?” ...
Well that’s a great question, and the answer goes back to the choice I made to help as many people as I can find betting success...
And I know that once you have access to everything included with The Shortlist, there'll be nothing left to stop you doing just that...
That being said, I also have an agenda...
My goal is to build an army of successful betting enthusiasts, who are happy to recommend my service to their friends and family...
And I know when you become part of our growing community today, and see the results for yourself, you’re going to be more than happy to start spreading the word…
So here’s four more fool-proof reasons to act now:
You're Investing In Yourself And Your Future…
You’re Saving Up To 85% When You Join Today...
You’re Guaranteed Results Or Your Money Back…
And Finally, Your Betting Profit Is 100% Tax Free!
Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life...
And if you don’t do something today to start making your betting profitable, how can you ever expect your life to change for the better? ...
So one final warning…
I’m taking this offer down as soon as I have reached my member limit. After that, you’ll not be able to get access to The Shortlist for the foreseeable future...
But since you can try this out for a minimal 99p investment...
And since The Shortlist has been fully tested, and is proven to make you substantial, consistent profit from your betting...
And finally, since your first 30 days are completely covered by my risk-free 100% money back guarantee...
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking decisive action and joining us today…
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Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to find out more about The Shortlist, and what it can do for you and your betting.
I hope you’ve found the information I've shared today useful, and I’m looking forward to seeing you inside our members community.
Kind Regards,
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