Let's cut straight to the chase…
There are 3 important reasons I created this report for you, and the first is to share the strange truth about the one specific type of bet that produces much more profit over the winter months…
This is a brand new discovery, and something I’ve NEVER shared with anyone before…
The second is to show you a way to bet that not only produces Massive Profits, but also lets you Win 1 In 3 Bets Like Clockwork with no long losing runs…
And there are plenty of big priced winners in there too, at up to 25/1…
Finally, I’d like the opportunity to prove all this to you so at the end i’ll show you exactly how you can test out all the selections for the full winter period, Completely Risk-Free…
On top of that, we have some Early Christmas Presents to give away that we’re certain you won’t find anywhere else…
All I ask is that you read this short report from beginning to end - it’ll only take around 5 minutes - and then you can decide for yourself…
Sound fair enough? ...
Great! Let’s get started…
Do you notice anything strange about these results? …

As it's clear to see, all our hurdle bets won and all our other bets lost! I started noticing this last winter and before long, I couldn’t stop thinking about it…
Why was this happening? ...
Was it just a weird anomaly, you know, something that would correct itself over time? …
No, it wasn’t…
In fact, if we take a quick look at our performance over the entire winter last year and well into spring this year, here’s what happened…

The difference here is HUGE, with our hurdle bets producing a Whopping 420.53 Point Profit which is more than all other race types combined! …
Very strange indeed, and on face value at least, something that should not be happening at all…
So after much head-scratching, I decided to go directly to the source and put the question to the man responsible for the majority of our hurdle selections, National Hunt specialist Chris Wright…
"It’s a weird one all right, and it’s funny because I first noticed this way back when I started punting some 26 years ago. I just put it down to an unusual winning streak and expected things balance out in the long run. But if we fast forward to today, the trend is still exactly the same - our hurdle bets consistently produce much, much more profit than other race types." ...
His experience sounds very similar to my own - it’s clear to see the hurdlers far outperforming every other betting strategy we have here at Lucrative Racing…
And it sounds like I made the same mistake Chris did all those years ago, which was to think Results This Good simply wouldn’t last…
But in my defence, I have to be extra-cautious because it’s my responsibility to make sure we provide only the best to our community of happy members…

So before sharing these hurdlers with you, what I really wanted to know was WHY this was happening…
There must be some rationale behind all these profits, right? …
"I'm more than a bit obsessed with the hurdles, so I have my theories. One thing to emphasise is just how unpredictable jumps racing can be over the winter months. Most people think this is a bad thing, but for value punters like us it's actually a God-send. The rain, the mud, the frost, the rapidly changing ground conditions - all of it allows us to find winners at much bigger prices, and bigger prices means bigger profits! …
There's also the “wisdom of crowds” theory to consider. We both know our fair share of seasoned racing punters and tipsters, and most of them agree that there is much more money to be made on the National Hunt, than there is on the Flat or the All Weather." ...
Ok, so I can get behind the theory that unpredictable race conditions throw up unpredictable results, and a hurdle specialist like Chris can certainly turn this kind of adversity to his advantage…
But I’d never really thought about how "Wisdom Of Crowds" applies here. The combined opinion of many punters may be more accurate than one single expert...
But What About The Combined Opinion Of Many Experts? ...
Now that could prove Extremely Powerful, and Extremely Profitable too...
I personally know hundreds of seasoned punters and Chris must know just as many, if not more and it's true - most of them make the bulk of their profits from National Hunt racing…
And Chris is supremely confident that these hurdlers will prove far more lucrative than anything we have offered through our website before...
But let's play devils advocate for a moment - what exactly makes this so much better than all the rest? ...
I know we don't always see eye-to-eye on what represents the ideal tipping service...
"Well the data is in, and we know for a fact that our hurdle selections are by far the most profitable to follow. But there's another very good reason I think this will work incredibly well for our readers...
We don't always see eye-to-eye because you think all a tipping service needs is good long term profits, and that most punters are happy enough to trudge through the mud (losing runs) to get there. But in reality, this simply isn’t true. It’s the “Punters Paradox” I always talk about - most people are impatient and they will drop off within the first few weeks if they aren't winning" ...
I have to concede he makes a fair point, even if I wish it weren't true…
The Punters Paradox
The Strategy That Makes You The Greatest Profit Is Usually The One You Find Hardest To Follow...
This is an inconvenient truth of betting - most very profitable strategies involve finding value, betting at high odds and enduring plenty of losing runs along the way…
It’s the main reason I emphasise the importance of treating your betting like a long-term investment, because at the end of the day that's where the money is made…
But I have to admit, sometimes it feels like I’m fighting a losing battle. Most punters do not take this advice seriously, or for other psychological reasons, they are unable to cope with losing runs and end up quitting too early…
Exactly - that’s why this is the ideal solution. Over hurdles, we win a third of our bets and that includes plenty of bigger priced, value selections. On top of that, we didn’t have a single losing month over the entire winter season last year, and that means even the most impatient punters should find it very easy to follow" ...

The profits are certainly Very Consistent and in recent years, the performance just keeps getting Better And Better…
After digging into the stats myself, I have to admit I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t notice this and share it with you much sooner…
But isn’t this all a bit too late? ...
We’re already over a month into this year’s NH season so haven’t we missed a lot of the profit? …
I don’t think so - we don’t have many selections during the crossover between flat and NH seasons, and now that the NH is in full swing we’ve just started seeing the winners roll in over the past few weeks. We made almost £2,000 profit last December, so right now is the perfect time and really, it’s now or never!" ...

It looks like the winners are just beginning to roll in...
And I’m sure by now you’re sick of me humming-and-harring so without any further ado…
Let’s Do It! …
Would You Like To Start Winning 1 In 3 Bets Like Clockwork? …
Do You Want To Generate +420.53 Points Profit This Winter? ...
How About Absolutely No Losing Months (based on last year)? ...
If you’ve answered YES to any of the above questions, then Hurdle Heroes is the right service for you…
With stakes of just £10 last winter, you’d have earned £4,205 profit…
And staking £50, you’d have earned a Massive £21,026 Profit! …
Hurdle Heroes also provides regular winning streaks - this one for example, where we had 11 profitable bets in a row…

So looking to the future, just take a moment to imagine All The Money you’ll make when you have access to these bets, and all the Extra Cash you’ll have to spend in the weeks and months to come…
And not only that…we’ve an Extra Special Bonus to give you when you join us today…
You see, we want to be know as the service that goes the extra mile, and the service that gives back to our members…
So with that in mind…
Would You Like To Win £2,000 CASH Just In Time For Christmas? ...
Well, when you join us today you'll have the opportunity to do just that…
Our £2,000 Christmas Cash Prize Draw takes place next week on MONDAY 11TH DECEMBER, and to enter all you need to do is register right now…
"Ok, I'm ready to give this a go. How do I join?" …
So the normal cost to join Hurdle Heroes is £49 per month. We realise this isn’t cheap, but the statement “you get what you pay for” rings true for a very good reason…
And since you could easily make another £2K (or more) this month from our hurdle selections…
I’m sure you’ll agree that exchanging £49 for £2,000 in winnings, that’s a 40X RETURN, is more than fair…
But the fact that you’re still here means that you’re serious about the success of your betting, so here’s what we’re going to do…
We’re going to give you 3 TIMES THE VALUE, that's a full 90 days for you to put these Hurdle Heroes to the test, for just £49…


In addition to your cash prize entry and your 67% discount, we want to make this a completely safe decision for you without any risk what-so-ever...
So we're going to provide you with a very special guarantee…
If Hurdle Heroes doesn’t generate At Least 100 Points Profit over the next 90 days, we’ll give you the rest of the year Completely Free Of Charge! ...
If you're wondering why we're offering such a crazy deal, it's because here at Lucrative Racing we have a much bigger vision...
You see, we’re sick and tired of seeing individual punters lose too much of their hard earned cash to the bookmakers. The bookies have way too much money, and too much power, and we've made it our mission to help level the playing field...
But I admit we also have an agenda…
Over the past 12 years, we’ve built a community of like-minded people who are Finally Succeeding with their betting. And we know once you join us and see the results for yourself, you’re going to want to continue doing business with us in the future…
It’s a Win-Win, no doubt about it…
But I do need to warn you, due to the nature of this service we have a Strict Limit on how many people can join so you’ll notice there’s a countdown timer below…
This is the very latest we will close the doors to new members - it might be a lot sooner if enough people get wind of this, so with that in mind…
We Reserve The Right To Close The Doors AT ANY TIME WITHOUT WARNING When We Reach Our Member Limit…
Or in other words, if you don’t join right now and you subsequently miss out, please don’t say we didn’t warn you…
There's been at least a couple of times when we’ve launched a new service, all the spaces filled in Less Than 24 Hours so before we close, here’s four ironclad reasons to join us right now while you still can…
You Get 90 Days To Trial The Service Completely Risk-Free…
You Can Win BIG In Our £2,000 Christmas Cash Prize Draw (And Every Single Month While You're A Member)…
You’re Guaranteed The Results You Want, Or It’s On Us! …
And NEVER Forget, Your New Betting Income Is 100% Tax Free! …
So if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to click the “start my 90 day trial” button below and set up your members account now...


Thanks once again for taking the time to find out about Hurdle Heroes and why it's the most profitable service for you to follow this winter.
We hope you found this report useful, and we’re really looking forward to seeing you on the inside and profiting together over the next 90 days.
Kind Regards,
Michael, Chris & The Lucrative Racing Team
Copyright 2011 - Present. Lucrative Limited. All Rights Reserved.