Q. What is The Shortlist?
A. The Shortlist is a compilation of horse racing resources, combining tipping service, trends analysis, portfolio of racing systems, and video based educational courses.
The primary aim of The Shortlist is to provide all the knowledge and tools required for you to create a sustainable income from your betting activities.
Q. How can I join the service?
A. If it hasn’t sold out, you can sign up here.
Q. Where can I access my member resources?
A. Your resources are available from the members area of our website at
This can be accessed from any desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. I recommend bookmarking this page and saving your login details for easy access.
Q. How easy is the service to use?
A. In terms of time taken to place and record your bets, generally 5 - 10 minutes per day is sufficient. Members are encouraged to make use of the additional resources provided with the service, but these are optional and not necessary to generate profit.
Seeing as time commitment in minimal, and the service can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, it's pretty easy to follow.
We also have a designated no bet day on Sundays, providing a short break once per week.
Q. What time are each days qualifiers posted?
A. The day’s qualifiers are posted in the members area each morning by 10.00am (UK time) at the latest.
Q. How many selections does the service provide?
A. This can vary depending on the number of meetings, but on average The Shortlist provides ten to twelve qualifiers per day.
The number of qualifiers can be reduced to as little as one or two per day, using the Current Trends resource included with your membership.
Q. What is the minimum recommended bankroll?
A. The minimum recommended bankroll is £400, which based on average profit levels will leave a substantial profit after taking membership fees into account.
Further bankroll & staking advice, including methods to accelerate the growth of your bankroll, are provided in the members area.
Q. How often do you update your results?
A. The results history in the members area is updated at the end of each month, and we provide an in-depth performance review once per quarter.
Q. I am having trouble accessing the members area. What should I do?
A. First things first, try resetting your password here.
This also applies if you are missing your login details. You will be emailed your username and a link to reset your password. If you have tried the above and still cant login, please use the contact form to report the issue, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Q. Can I pause my membership while I'm on holiday?
Of course! Simply let us know the relevant dates, and we'll pause your membership while you're away.
Q. How can I cancel my membership?
Again, please use the contact form to request a cancellation, and we'll get that processed for you as soon as possible. It can take up to 48 hours to cancel your membership, so please notify us in advance if your membership is soon due for renewal.