The New Year is traditionally a time for reflection, to look back at the past year and identify our greatest achievements, alongside our mistakes and setbacks. This gives us the opportunity to set new goals, and by pursuing these goals we can transform the future into something greater than the past.
With that in mind, it's time once again to reflect on the performance of our services, and identify which are most likely to bring us the greatest profit throughout 2023.
To keep things simple, we have opted to focus on the top 5 performing services, plus our free Lucrative Tips service for comparison purposes.

WINNER: Value Bets (BackLucrative)
Points P/L: +466.13
Strike Rate: 27.49%
Return on stakes: 17.04%
Return on capital: 186.45%
The P/L figures for the other services included in this review range from +106.06 points for Lucrative Tips, to +227.91 points for the Haymaker, which makes our Value Bets the clear winner in this category. It's also been incredibly consistent with no major losing runs in 2022.
Unfortunately this service is currently full, but we will hopefully be able to reopen the doors before Cheltenham Festival in March.

WINNER: Haymaker
Points P/L: +227.91
Strike Rate: 50.25%
Return on stakes: 22.02%
Return on capital: 227.91%
Perhaps event more important than overall profit is Return On Capital (ROC), which measures our return for the year based on our starting bankroll.
Haymaker is the clear winner here - thanks to it's high strike rate we can stake more aggressively while keeping our risk relatively low. Although it hasn't all been smooth sailing in 2022 - we did have to endure a losing run in Autumn - the end result has been well-worth the effort.
The ROC for our other services have ranged from 53.05% for Lucrative Tips, to 186.45% for Value Bets. If we compare these figures to other forms of investment, both the stock and crypto markets have endured heavy losses this year, while the supposedly safe S&P500 has also produced a loss of 19.4%.
It's clear to see that betting investment is an excellent way to get much higher returns than mainstream forms of investment, especially in bear markets which we certainly experienced last year and will probably see more of in 2023.
With that in mind, the Haymaker is now able to take on new members and there are free trials currently available...
WINNER: Festival Bets (BackLucrative)
Points P/L: +150.69
Strike Rate: 33.76%
Return on stakes: 19.42%
Return on capital: 75.35%
Our Festival Bets service provides selections for all the major UK racing festivals, and is proof that we don't necessarily need to bet every / most days to produce a substantial profit. By focusing solely on major festivals where the quality of racing is the highest, the service provides a fun and less time-consuming way for you profit from your horse racing wagers.
The service is also currently full, but we hope to make spaces available in time for Cheltenham.
WINNER: Bargain Punter
Points P/L: +186.41
Strike Rate: 13.95%
Return on stakes: 13.8%
Return on capital: 62.14%
Multiples / Accumulators are among the most popular ways for punters to bet. However, these types of bet are usually very profitable for bookmakers and very costly for punters. Bargain Punter provides a way to enjoy the excitement that multiple bets offer, while also earning substantial long-term profits.
Betting our Bargain Punter selections as single win bets in 2022 has produced a conservative profit, but betting them as multiples has produced +186.41 points profit which puts it third in the overall profit category.
While spaces are available, you can claim 10 days free access to Bargain Punter below...
Results History July 2020 - December 2022
Results History December 2017 - December 2022
Results History August 2013 - December 2022
Results History March 2019 - December 2022
Results History September 2020 - December 2022
- Lucrative Tips
Results History August 2013 - December 2022
Note: The results can be downloaded in your preferred format; simply click on the desired results, then go to File > Download.